Personal Trainer

Natalie Hufton-Jones

I qualified to be a Personal Trainer a bit later in life than most, after having had a career working as a Purchasing professional and after having 2 children. From a young age, I have always had an interest in sport and fitness and I enjoy keeping fit and challenging myself.

As someone who has previously worked in highly pressurised business roles, I know first-hand how training and keeping fit is a great outlet to release work tension and pressure. It is also a great way of achieving personal goals and helping to feel positive about yourself.

After attending my own PT sessions for five years with Chris, I’ve experienced first hand how personal training sessions have helped me to become stronger, fitter and more confident in myself. This then inspired me to train to become a qualified PT instructor myself - a challenge which I have relished.


I feel extremely fortunate to be able to work at Prime Studio - it is a unique setting within the local area; a private space where clients can train on a one to one basis in a tranquil setting, with fitness programmes tailored to their individual goals and requirements. I know from my ownprevious experience that for some people, ‘“regular’” gyms can be intimidating places to be. Prime Studio is far from this and has a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. It’s is a place where you can feel totally comfortable working out, regardless of your fitness levels, age or gym experience.

I believe in building strong partnerships with clients - understanding their ambitions, listening to any insecurities they may have, helping them to overcome them and encouraging and motivating them to achieve their goals.
